Real Estate Vs Property Taxes

real eastate and property tax

Real estate taxes are pretty much the same as property taxes – one can be treated as the sub-head of the other for the sake of understanding. The key difference between real estate taxes and property taxes is that real estate taxes only apply to the land of houses; however, property taxes are much more expansive, covering all sorts of properties, for example, vehicles, livestock, or even farmlands.

“Property” is defined in subsection 248 (1) as property of any kind, real or personal, immovable or movable, tangible or intangible, tangible or intangible. For added security, “ownership” includes, but is not limited to, laws of any kind and interest.

A thorough understanding over here needs to be of the fact that real estate taxes are applied on homeowners while property taxes are on everything classified as property but owned by a company or a corporation as well as independent homeowners. (Exceptions apply, keep reading)

While property tax accounting would be necessary, real estate bookkeeping is not just necessary but would become significant and does house multiple benefits, including the individual’s ability to predict how finances are coming along as well as prospects for future investments (if they are planning) and payments.

The transactions that are part of the accounting for real estate investors include:

  1. Rental invoices sent by tenants
  2. Confirmation of the monthly fee
  3. Charging late fees to tenants for unpaid rent
  4. Recognition of the tenant’s deposit in the balance sheet
  5. Payment of supplier invoices
  6. Make a monthly mortgage payment
  7. Distribution of money on interest and the principal balance of the loan
  8. Payment of property tax
  9. Homeowners Association (HOA) Payments.
  10. Reconciliation of monthly budgets
  11. Correct classification of payments as deductible or capitalized costs
  12. Correct monitoring of depreciation accruals in the real estate balance sheet
  13. Accurate equity reporting

The local government body hires a tax assessor to determine and calculate a fair value price of the owned property. Properties owned in developed areas carry heavier and larger sums of taxes, while properties in lesser developed areas carry a significantly smaller tax charge.

Most firms hire property tax accountants for businesses that could help reduce the rates of taxable incomes to avoid over-taxation or be able to leverage clauses that would help them save on taxes they may otherwise not know about.

Common forms of real estate ownership are as follows:

  1. Co-ownerships
  2. Joint ventures
  3. Partnerships
  4. Corporations
  5. Trusts
  6. REITs

All of these should necessarily mean that these properties are owned by businesses or at least for business purposes.

Trusts are generally subject to an Alternative Minimum Tax (“AMT”), which is a federal and provincial tax applicable to individuals (including trusts other than mutual funds) that occurs when the normal tax liability is less the minimum tax that would be payable under the calculated income to be adjusted. In the context of a typical investment property, AMT can arise when a trust deducts interest and certain elements of tax benefits to protect rental income or uses non-capital loss transfers resulting from such deductions.

It can account for how much taxes are being paid if the individual in question is a landlord, landowner, or accountant in a firm, and how much taxes are being received if you are a governing body to keep track of steady taxes being paid. Real estate Bookkeeping, like other tax accounting procedures, can be recorded digitally for security purposes and easier track of finances to make smart investment decisions and make sure there is no overpayment or underpayment of taxes.

Note: one may also be able to deduct part of their real estate tax when filing tax returns if their home expenses allow. A real estate tax accountant can help and evaluate this case to case.

We’re Here to Help

Property tax accounting in Toronto is essential for any tax filer who owns the movable or immovable property. Real estate accounting is usually not the first thing investors think about when investing in real estate, but it is an important part of owning and managing rental properties. With good accounting, the investor can better identify opportunities to increase rental income, reduce costs without affecting property value, and better monitor equity.

If you have questions about real estate property ownership or any other taxation matters, please do not hesitate to contact our team of Filing Taxes.

Filing Taxes concisely deals with several complex issues; it is recommended that accounting, legal or other appropriate professional advice should be sought before acting upon any of the information contained therein.

Our experienced and professional team at Filing Taxes is here to set you on the right path considering your personal business situation. Feel free to reach out to Filing Taxes at 416-479-8532. Schedule an NTR engagement appointment with us and take the first step towards proper management of your finances.

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Disclaimer: The information provided on this page is intended to provide general information. The information does not consider your personal situation and is not intended to be used without consultation from accounting and financial professionals. Salman Rundhawa and Filing Taxes will not be held liable for any problems that arise from the usage of the information provided on this page.

Written By:
Salman Rundhawa
Salman Rundhawa is the founder of Filing Taxes. Salman provides valuable tax planning, accounting, and income tax preparation services in Toronto, Mississauga, Oakville, and Hamilton.

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