How Much $45000 After Tax in Ontario?

A $45,000 annual salary in Ontario results in an average net pay of about $33,261 per year after tax, equaling $2,772 per month. This article will analyze the key details around a $45,000 salary including:

  • Tax rates and deductions
  • Take-home pay
  • How it compares to the average and median income
  • Cost of living considerations
  • Income tax implications

Tax Rates and Deductions

Based on the 2023 tax rates and deductions, someone earning $45,000 in Ontario would pay the following taxes and deductions:

  • Federal tax: $3,863 (based on 15% tax rate)
  • Provincial tax: $1,961 (based on 5.05% to 9.15% tax brackets)
  • CPP contributions: $2,469
  • EI premiums: $733

This totals $9,027 in annual deductions, resulting in an average tax rate of 26.1% and a marginal tax rate of 32.0%.

After these deductions, the annual net take-home pay is $33,261, equaling $2,772 per month.

Take-Home Pay Analysis

A take-home pay of $33,261 per year or $2,772 per month can provide a moderate standard of living in many areas of Ontario. However, those living in high cost-of-living cities like Toronto may find it more difficult to make ends meet.

Some key considerations on a take-home pay of $2,772 per month:

  • Housing: Rental rates for a 1-bedroom apartment average $1,800 per month in Toronto. This would consume 65% of the take-home pay. More affordable options would need to be sought.
  • Food: An average food budget for one person might range from $300 to $500 per month. This would represent between 11% to 18% of take-home pay.
  • Transportation: Monthly public transportation passes in Toronto average around $150 per month. Other cities would likely be less. Owning a car could increase costs significantly.
  • Savings: It would be challenging to save meaningfully every month after typical living costs. Developing a strict budget and spending plan would be essential.

In summary, a $45,000 salary could provide a comfortable lifestyle in Ontario cities with lower costs of living. But budgeting diligently would be required in high expense areas like Toronto.

Comparison to Average and Median Incomes

When comparing the $45,000 salary to the average and median incomes in Ontario:

  • The average individual income in Ontario in 2020 was $52,000 annually. So a $45,000 salary is about 13% below the provincial average.
  • The median individual income was $34,600 in 2020. Therefore, a $45,000 salary is 30% higher than the median level.
  • For households, the average income was $107,500 in 2020 while the median was $86,100. A $45,000 salary would be well below these household averages.

In summary, while a $45,000 salary might be considered moderately average for individuals in Ontario, it is below the averages for households. This is an important consideration for supporting a family.

Cost of Living Considerations

The cost of living in Ontario can vary widely depending on the city. When assessing if a $45,000 annual salary is "good money", cost of living is a key factor.

Some comparisons in major Ontario cities:

  • In Toronto, the average monthly cost of living is about $4,200. This would consume over 150% of the take-home pay per month from a $45,000 salary.
  • In Ottawa, the monthly cost of living averages $3,500. This would still exceed the monthly take-home pay by about 27%.
  • In Windsor, the monthly cost of living averages $3,600 while take-home pay would be $3,022 per month. This results in take-home pay covering 84% of living costs.

Based on these comparisons, a $45,000 annual salary goes significantly further in smaller Ontario cities like Windsor compared to Toronto. The ability to cover basic costs of living on this salary varies widely.

Income Tax Implications

There are some key income tax implications to understand on an Ontario salary of $45,000, including:

Tax Brackets

The $45,000 salary falls into the 15% federal tax bracket and the 5.05% Ontario provincial tax bracket based on 2023 tax rates. No other income would be taxed at higher marginal rates.

Tax Credits

This salary level qualifies for some basic tax credits like the Canada Workers Benefit (CWB). But it does not reach thresholds for higher income credits.

Favorable Dividend Tax Treatment

At this salary level, most dividend income would face a negative tax rate after the Dividend Tax Credit. This provides incentive for dividend investing.

Progressive Tax System

Canada uses a progressive tax system meaning average tax rates increase as income rises. By staying in the lowest federal bracket, average tax rates are minimized.


A $45,000 annual salary in Ontario results in an average take-home pay of about $33,261 per year after tax deductions. This salary represents a moderate income level compared to Ontario averages. However, it may prove more difficult to cover costs of living in expensive cities like Toronto. Careful budgeting is required to manage expenses across housing, food, transportation and savings goals. While not a high income, $45,000 provides a starting point for Canadians to grow their earnings and build financial security over time through budgeting, investing, and advancing their careers whenever possible.

Written By:
Salman Rundhawa
Salman Rundhawa is the founder of Filing Taxes. Salman provides valuable tax planning, accounting, and income tax preparation services in Toronto, Mississauga, Oakville, and Hamilton.

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